Sustainable Finance

Responsible Investment

Renewable Energy

Energy Transition

We have a deep expertise and track record in renewables, energy transition and sustainable infrastructure.

We work extensively with financial and industrial sponsors - Investment funds, IPPs, fund sponsored platforms, Utilities and industrials, united in their commitment to responsible investment, sustainable finance and decarbonisation. 

Working with new and existing clients we continue to grow our expertise across the sector including clean tech, sustainability, climate and natural capital focused equity investing. 


Our recent expertise includes

  • Investment Director - Energy Transition
  • Partner - Sustainable Infrastructure (Paris)
  • Head of Revenue - Flexible Generation 
  • Investment Manager - Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Route to Market Director - Offshore Wind Platform 
  • Route to Market Manager - Flexible Generation 
  • Investment VP - Renewables Growth Equity
  • Investment Analyst & Associates - Offshore Wind Fund
  • Investment Analyst - Renewables Growth Equity
  • Head of Commercial - BESS & Flexible Generation
  • Investment Analyst - Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Financial Modeler - Onshore Wind IPP

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